Friday, December 30, 2011

Consumer Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz Reviews

Product reviews for Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz

Category: Misc.
Brand: Demeter
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Read Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz Product review

Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz Review by leepers

I purchased a 3-piece set of Demeter's fragrance which contained, Fresh Ginger, Ginseng Root, and Green Tea. Green Tea was the worst of the 3 scents, because something in it gave me a terrible headache: Trashed it. Ginseng Root has a somewhat musty, incense? smell to it: Not too bad, but I am not sure about this one. Fresh Ginger is the best of the 3 scents. Fresh Ginger has an earthy, woody, and somewhat mysterious note to it and it does NOT give me a fact, as I write this comment, I sprayed Fresh Ginger on my wrist, and LOVE the scent. It is one of the best fragrances that I have tried; however, I am not sure that it is going to be my signature scent, because whenever I wear it away from home, most people sniff at me, and noone asks me about the fragrance; so, I guess (some?) they don't particularly care for it. I think that I will try Fresh Laundry or Pure Soap next, because many people seem to give very good reviews about these fragrances: particularly Fresh Laundry.

I am trying to find THEEE fragrance (or two), but I am somewhat cautious about many fragrances, because they usually give me a headache. Strangely, I thought that musk was the culprit, but I am not certain about this as I have white musk (albeit an old bottle of about 10 years which may have weakened the scent?) by The Body Shop and I tested it by spritzing on my wrist and smelled it multiple times to see what affect (if any) the musk would have towards my sinus area. Well, after a few hours of intermittent wrist-smelling, I finally had a headache. I alternatively, did this without smelling my wrist, and noticed that I had no headache. So, I guess spraying on the wrist, and probably not near the nose (neck, ears, hair) is my best bet, unless it is not just musk which gives me a headache.

Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz Review by Kim Easterling "Love to Read" (Freeport, NY)

I purchased the Honeysuckle.
The scent was pleasing, however,
I can walk down a househld aisle
in the supermarket and pick up
something for less then 1/2 the price
that smells just as nice.

Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz Review by J. huskey (tennessee)

I didn't feel this spray smelled too much like PlayDoh, but I don't know that I would recognize the smell. This was a gag gift, I have a friend that adores playdoh and they loved it.

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Demeter Fragrance Library - Baby Powder Home Atmosphere Spray 4oz::Description

Demeter captures the true essence of each scent. Whether it be Gin & Tonic, Leather or Angel Food, Demeter's technologically advanced fragrances allow you to scent the skin, as well as your personal space with scents that harken back to childhood memories

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